Let’s Read Famous Franz Kafka Quotes About Life, Franz Kafka Quotes On Love, Famous Franz Kafka Quotes In English, Franz Kafka Most Famous Quotes, Motivational Quotes Of Franz Kafka In English, Famous Quotes By Franz Kafka, Franz Kafka Motivational Quotes, Franz Kafka Inspirational Quotes, Franz Kafka Thoughts In English.
Franz Kafka Quotes About Life, Love -:

~ Books are a narcotic.
~ Evil is whatever distracts.
~ Paths are made by walking.
~ Kill me, or you are a murderer.
~ Religions get lost as people do.

~ I am a cage, in search of a bird.
~ The meaning of life is that it stops.
~ I am free and that is why I am lost.
~ All languages is but a poor translation.
~ First impressions are always unreliable.
~ You are free and that is why you are lost.
~ In a certain sense the Good is comfortless.
~ Everything, including lies, serves the truth.

~ It is not difficult to love the ones who leave.
~ It is often safer to be in chains than to be free.
~ God gives the nuts, but he does not crack them.
~ Not everyone can see the truth, but he can be it.
~ For myself I am too heavy, and for you too light.
~ A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity.

~ A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us.
~ I usually solve problems by letting them devour me.
~ The metaphysical urge is only the urge toward death.
~ If I shall exist eternally, how shall I exist tomorrow ?
~ In man’s struggle against the world, bet on the world.
~ Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable.
~ I miss you deeply, unfathomably, senselessly, terribly.

~ Pay no attention to anyone, do what you think is right.
~ But that is the past and should remain deep in the past.
~ I’m doing badly, I’m doing well; whichever you prefer.
~ In the fight between you and the world, back the world.
Franz Kafka Quotes In English -:

~ The fear of death is only the result of an unfulfilled life.
~ He is terribly afraid of dying because he hasn’t yet lived.
~ Love is, that you are the knife which I plunge into myself.
~ My fear is my substance, and probably the best part of me.
~ The spirit becomes free only when it ceases to be a support.
~ A person who lies in love does not even deserve to be hated.
~ Idleness is the beginning of all vice, the crown of all virtues.

~ Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.
~ Nobody can give more than the one who has lost everything.
~ One must not cheat anyone, not even the world of its victory.
~ The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.
~ Anyone looking for evidence of infidelity hopes not to find it.
~ If it is not possible to converge closer, people disperse further.
~ Association with human beings lures one into self-observation.

~ A first sign of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die.
~ Only people affected by the same ailments understand each other.
~ Torment yourself as little as possible, then you’ll torment me less.
~ Writing is utter solitude, the descent into the cold abyss of oneself.
~ The history of mankind is the instant two strides taken by a traveler.
~ Anything that has real and lasting value is always a gift from within.
~ He who seeks does not find, but he who does not seek will be found.
~ In peacetime, you don’t get anywhere, in wartime you bleed to death.
~ I have the true feeling of myself only when I am unbearably unhappy.

~ I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound and stab us.
~ It is impossible to make excuses when they do not want to believe you.
~ I can love only what I can place so high above me that I cannot reach it.
~ How can one take delight in the world unless one flees to it for refuge ?
Famous Quotes Of Franz Kafka In English -:

~ You are the knife I turn inside myself; that is love. That, my dear, is love.
~ By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it.
~ Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.
~ The history of mankind is the instant between two strides taken by a traveler.
~ Thoughts that are spoken out loud immediately and finally lose their meaning.
~ If you become involved with me, you will be throwing yourself into the abyss.

~ There are two cardinal sins from which all others spring: Impatience and Laziness.
~ Believing in progress does not mean believing that any progress has yet been made.
~ Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy.
~ But what am I supposed to do if this fear, and not my heart, is beating in my body ?
~ Many a book is like a key to unknown chambers within the castle of one’s own self.
~ So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.
~ Written kisses don’t reach their destination, rather they are drunk on the way by the ghosts.
~ Every word first looks around in every direction before letting itself be written down by me.
~ If a woman decides to cheat, she is in search of the best, and if a man – he just needs novelty.

~ Everything you love is very likely to be lost, but in the end, love will return in a different way.
~ My life was sweeter than other people’s and my death will be more terrible by the same degree.
~ Life all the time distracts our attention and we do not even have time to notice from what exactly.
~ I need solitude for my writing; not ‘like a hermit – that wouldn’t be enough – but like a dead man.
~ By imposing too great a responsibility, or rather, all responsibility, on yourself, you crush yourself.
~ May I kiss you then? On this miserable paper? I might well open the window and kiss the night air.

~ I can never tear myself open wide enough to people to reveal everything and so frighten them away.
~ The fact that our task is exactly commensurate with our life gives it the appearance of being infinite.
~ It is comforting to reflect that the disproportion of things in the world seems to be only arithmetical.
~ Everything that you love, you will eventually lose, but in the end, love will return in a different form.
~ Truth is indivisible, hence it cannot recognize itself; anyone who wants to recognize it has to be a lie.
~ May I kiss you then? On this miserable paper ? I might as well open the window and kiss the night air.
Famous Quotes By Franz Kafka -:

~ From a certain point onward there is no longer any turning back. That is the point that must be reached.
~ We photograph things in order to drive them out of our minds. My stories are a way of shutting my eyes.
~ Most of all, I’d like to have all the time there is just for you, for thinking about you, for breathing in you.
~ Anyone who cares about you has to realize that you need a little looking after, nothing else really matters.
~ We all have wings, but they have not been of any avail to us and if we could tear them off, we would do so.
~ Suffering is the positive element in this world, indeed it is the only link between this world and the positive.
~ You are at once both the quiet and the confusion of my heart; imagine my heartbeat when you are in this state.
~ We are separated from God on two sides; the Fall separates us from Him, the Tree of Life separates Him from us.
~ I have hardly anything in common with myself and should stand very quietly in a corner, content that I can breathe.
~ Self-control means wanting to be effective at some random point in the infinite radiations of my spiritual existence.
~ The right understanding of any matter and a misunderstanding of the same matter do not wholly exclude each other.
~ Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.
~ It is only our conception of time that makes us call the Last Judgement by this name. It is, in fact, a kind of martial law.
~ Hiding places there are innumerable, escape is only one, but possibilities of escape, again, are as many as hiding places.
~ Martyrs do not underrate the body; they allow it to be elevated on the cross. In this they are at one with their antagonists.
~ People label themselves with all sorts of adjectives. I can only pronounce myself as ‘nauseatingly miserable beyond repair’.
~ It would have been so pointless to kill himself that, even if he had wanted to, the pointlessness would have made him unable.
~ Just think how many thoughts a blanket smothers while one lies alone in bed, and how many unhappy dreams it keeps warm.
~ One tells as few lies as possible only by telling as few lies as possible, and not by having the least possible opportunity to do so.
~ One advantage in keeping a diary is that you become aware with reassuring clarity of the changes which you constantly suffer.
~ I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself.
~ In theory there is a possibility of perfect happiness: To believe in the indestructible element within one, and not to strive towards it.
Franz Kafka Thoughts In English -:

~ I speak differently from what I think, I think differently from the way I ought to think, and so it all proceeds into the deepest darkness.
~ Was he an animal, that music could move him so? He felt as if the way to the unknown nourishment he longed for were coming to light.
~ By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.
~ If the literature we are reading does not wake us, why then do we read it ? A literary work must be an ice-axe to break the sea frozen inside us.
~ I’m tired, can’t think of anything and want only to lay my face in your lap, feel your hand on my head and remain like that through all eternity.
~ There are only two things. Truth and lies. Truth is indivisible, hence it cannot recognize itself; anyone who wants to recognize it has to be a lie.
~ I need all the time and a thousand times more than all the time and if possible all the time that exists, for you, to think of you, to breathe in you.
~ We live in an age which is so possessed by demons, that soon we shall only be able to do goodness and justice in the deepest secrecy, as if it were a crime.
~ Art depends on truth, but the truth, being indivisible, cannot know itself: to tell the truth is to lie. thus the writer is the truth, and yet when he speaks he lies.
~ It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.’ ‘A melancholy conclusion,’ said K. ‘It turns lying into a universal principle.
~ Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.
~ Sensual love deceives one as to the nature of heavenly love; it could not do so alone, but since it unconsciously has the element of heavenly love within it, it can do so.
~ I write differently from what I speak, I speak differently from what I think, I think differently from the way I ought to think, and so it all proceeds into deepest darkness.
~ They’re talking about things of which they don’t have the slightest understanding, anyway. It’s only because of their stupidity that they’re able to be so sure of themselves.
~ April 27. Incapable of living with people, of speaking. Complete immersion in myself, thinking of myself. Apathetic, witless, fearful. I have nothing to say to anyone – never.
~ The Kafka paradox: art depends on truth, but truth, being indivisable, cannot know itself: to tell the truth is to lie. thus the writer is the truth, and yet when he speaks he lies.
~ They’re talking about things of which they don’t have the slightest understanding, anyway. It’s only because of their stupidity that they’re able to be so sure of themselves.
~ The relationship to one’s fellow man is the relationship of prayer, the relationship to oneself is the relationship of striving; it is from prayer that one draws the strength for one’s striving.
~ We are sinful not only because we have eaten of the Tree of Knowledge, but also because we have not yet eaten of the Tree of Life. The state in which we are is sinful, irrespective of guilt.
~ There is nothing besides a spiritual world; what we call the world of the senses is the evil in the spiritual world, and what we call evil is only the necessity of a moment in our eternal evolution.
~ Last night I dreamed about you. What happened in detail I can hardly remember; all I know is that we kept merging into one another. I was you, you were me. Finally you somehow caught fire.
~ The decisive moment in human evolution is perpetual. That is why the revolutionary spiritual movements that declare all former things worthless are in the right, for nothing has yet happened.
~ Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs one hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate. but with his other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins.
~ This tremendous world I have inside of me. How to free myself, and this world, without tearing myself to pieces. And rather tear myself to a thousand pieces than be buried with this world within me.
~ You can hold yourself back from the sufferings of the world, that is something you are free to do and it accords with your nature, but perhaps this very holding back is the one suffering you could avoid.
~ In a way, you are poetry material; You are full of cloudy subtleties I am willing to spend a lifetime figuring out. Words burst in your essence and you carry their dust in the pores of your ethereal individuality.
~ I never wish to be easily defined. I’d rather float over other people’s minds as something strictly fluid and non-perceivable; more like a transparent, paradoxically iridescent creature rather than an actual person.
~ I dream of a grave, deep and narrow, where we could clasp each other in our arms as with clamps, and I would hide my face in you and you would hide your face in me, and nobody would ever see us any more.
~ It is not necessary that you leave the house. Remain at your table and listen. Do not even listen, only wait. Do not even wait, be wholly still and alone. The world will present itself to you for its unmasking, it can do no other, in ecstasy it will writhe at your feet.
Thank You For Reading Famous Franz Kafka Quotes In English, Famous Franz Kafka Quotes About Life, Famous Quotes By Franz Kafka, Franz Kafka Quotes On Love, Franz Kafka Most Famous Quotes, Franz Kafka Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes Of Franz Kafka In English, Franz Kafka Motivational Quotes, Franz Kafka Thoughts In English.
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