Famous Quotes by Katherine Mansfield, Katherine Mansfield Quotes, Katherine Mansfield Famous Quotes, Katherine Mansfield Thoughts

100 + Famous Katherine Mansfield Quotes

Let’s Read Famous Quotes by Katherine Mansfield, Katherine Mansfield Quotes In English, Katherine Mansfield Famous Quotes, Katherine Mansfield Thoughts In English.

Famous Katherine Mansfield Quotes -:

~ I’m a writer first and a woman after.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Regret is an appalling waste of time.

Katherine Mansfield

~ The mind I love must have wild places.

Katherine Mansfield

~ I want to be all that I am capable of becoming.

Katherine Mansfield

~ I love the rain. I want the feeling of it on my face.

Katherine Mansfield

~ It was her peculiar curse to never really be unknown.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ I want, by understanding myself, to understand others.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Life never becomes a habit to me. It’s always a marvel.

Katherine Mansfield

~ The men walked like scissors; the women trod like cats.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Do the hardest thing on earth for you. ACT YOURSELF.

Katherine Mansfield

~ It is of immense importance to learn to laugh at ourselves.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ Everything in life that we really accept undergoes a change.

Katherine Mansfield

~ This is not a letter but my arms about you for a brief moment.

Katherine Mansfield

~ You are a Queen. Let mine be the joy of giving you your kingdom.

Katherine Mansfield

~ In the woods where snow is thick, bars of sunlight lay like pale fire.

Katherine Mansfield

~ The truth is friendship is every bit as sacred and eternal as marriage.

Katherine Mansfield

~ But childhood prolonged cannot remain a fairyland. It becomes a hell.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ We whirl along like leaves, and nobody knows, nobody cares where we fall.

Katherine Mansfield

~ I am a recluse at present and do nothing but write and read and read and write.

Katherine Mansfield

~ England is merely an island of beef swimming in a warm gulf stream of gravy.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Bless you, my darling, and remember you are always in the heart of your sister.

Katherine Mansfield

~ The smell of leaves and wet black earth mingled with the sharp smell of the sea.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Do you think there will be Mondays in heaven? Heaven will be one long Monday.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ This Ulysses is obviously the wave of the future, I’m glad I’m dying of tuberculosis.

Katherine Mansfield

~ I have such a horror of telegrams that ask me how I am! I always want to reply dead.

Katherine Mansfield

~ My love for you tonight is so deep and tender that it seems to be outside myself as well.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Some couples go over their budgets very carefully every month. Others just go over them.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Whatever happens I have had these blissful, perfect moments and they are worth living for.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Regret is an appalling waste of energy, you can’t build on it. it’s only good for wallowing in.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ The pleasure of all reading is doubled when one lives with another who shares the same books.

Katherine Mansfield

~ When we begin to take our failures non-seriously, it means we are ceasing to be afraid of them.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Once we have learned to read, meaning of words can somehow register without consciousness.

Katherine Mansfield

~ What do you want most to do? That’s what I have to keep asking myself, in the face of difficulties.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Oh, how quickly things changed! Why didn’t happiness last for ever? For ever wasn’t a bit too long.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Regret is an appalling waste of energy, and no one who intends to be a writer can afford to indulge in it.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ Perhaps it does not matter so very much what it is one loves in this world. But love something one must.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Ah, what happiness it is to be with people who are all happy, to press hands, press cheeks, smile into eyes.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Sleeping was her latest discovery. ‘It’s so wonderful. One simply shuts one’s eyes, that’s all. It’s so delicious.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Wind moving through grass so that the grass quivers. This moves me with an emotion I don’t even understand.

Katherine Mansfield

~ How idiotic civilization is! Why be given a body if you have to keep it shut up in a case like a rare, rare fiddle?

Katherine Mansfield

~ In the daytime when sweeping and dusting and cleaning were quite at an end, he would sit very still on the doorstep.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ There are always these moments in life when the limits of suffering are reached and we become heroes and heroines.

Katherine Mansfield

~ I am poor – obscure – just eighteen years of age – with a rapacious appetite for everything and principles as light as my purse.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Bless you, my darling, and remember you are always in the heart – oh tucked so close there is no chance of escape – of your sister.

Katherine Mansfield

~ The heavens opened for the sunset to-night. When I had thought the day folded and sealed, came a burst of heavenly bright petals.

Katherine Mansfield

~ The ostrich burying its head in the sand does at any rate wish to convey the impression that its head is the most important part of it.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ Why it should be such an effort to write to the people one loves I can’t imagine. It’s none at all to write to those who don’t really count.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Looking back, I imagine I was always writing. Twaddle it was too. But better far write twaddle or anything, anything, than nothing at all.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Everything about her was sweet, pale like honey. You would not have been surprised to see a bee caught in the tangles of that yellow hair.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ Would you not like to try all sorts of lives – one is so very small – but that is the satisfaction of writing – one can impersonate so many people.

Katherine Mansfield

~ By health I mean the power to live a full, adult, living, breathing life in close contact with the earth and the wonders thereof – the sea – the sun.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ In fact, isn’t it a joy – there is hardly a greater one – to find a new book, a living book, and to know that it will remain with you while life lasts?

Katherine Mansfield

~ But one day we shall be rich, and the next poor. One day we shall dine in a palace and the next we’ll sit in a forest and toast mushrooms on a hatpin.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can’t build on it; it’s only good for wallowing in.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Risk! Risk Anything! Care no more for the opinion of others, for those other voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.

Katherine Mansfield

~ It’s a terrible thing to be alone – yes it is – it is – but don’t lower your mask until you have another mask prepared beneath – as terrible as you like – but a mask.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ Saw the sun rise. A lovely apricot sky with flames in it and then solemn pink. Heavens, how beautiful. I feel so full of love to-day after having seen the sun rise.

Katherine Mansfield

~ I am going to enjoy life in Paris I know. It is so human and there is something noble in the city. It is a real city, old and fine and life plays in it for everybody to see.

Katherine Mansfield

~ The truth is that every true admirer of the novels cherishes the happy thought that he alone – reading between the lines – has become the secret friend of their author.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ She had become really quite an expert, she thought, at listening as though she didn’t listen, at sitting in other people’s lives just for a minute while they talked round her.

Katherine Mansfield

~ How hard it is to escape from places. However carefully one goes they hold you – you leave little bits of yourself fluttering on the fences – like rags and shreds of your very life.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ That is the fearful part of having been near death. One knows how easy it is to die. The barriers that are up for everybody else are down for you, and you’ve only to slip through.

Katherine Mansfield

~ I can never be perfectly certain whether Helen was got with child by Leonard Bast or by his fatal forgotten umbrella. All things considered, I think it must have been the umbrella.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ I really only have Perfect Fun with myself. Other people won’t stop and look at the things I want to look at or, if they do, they stop to please me or to humor me or to keep the peace.

Katherine Mansfield

~ I love the night. I love to feel the tide of darkness rising, slowly and slowly washing, turning over and over, lifting, floating, all that lies strewn upon the dark beach, all that lies hid in rocky hollows.

Katherine Mansfield

~ When I say I fear – don’t let it disturb you, dearest heart. We all fear when we are in waiting-rooms. Yet we must pass beyond them, and if the other can keep calm, it is all the help we can give each other.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ September is different from all other months. It is more magical. I feel the strange chemical change in the earth which produces mushrooms is the cause, too, of the extra ‘life’ in the air – a resilience, a sparkle.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Ach, Tchekov! Why are you dead? Why can’t I talk to you in a big darkish room at late evening – where the light is green from the waving trees outside? I’d like to write a series of Heavens: that would be one.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different. Life would undergo a change of appearance because we ourselves had undergone a change of attitude.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ I love to close my eyes a moment and think of the land outside, white under the mingled snow and moonlight — the heaps of stones by the roadside white — snow in the furrows. Mon Dieu! How quiet and how patient!

Katherine Mansfield

~ It’s rather nice to think of oneself as a sailor bending over the map of one’s mind and deciding where to go and how to go. The great thing to remember is we can do whatever we wish to do provided our wish is strong enough.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ Miss Brill had often noticed there was something funny about nearly all of them. They were odd, silent, nearly all old,and from the way stared they looked as though they’d just come from dark little rooms of even, even cupboards!

Katherine Mansfield

~ I want, by understanding myself, to understand others. I want to be all that I am capable of becoming. This all sounds very strenuous and serious. But now that I have wrestled with it, it’s no longer so. I feel happy – deep down. All is well.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Oh, impossible. Fancy cream puffs so soon after breakfast. The very idea made one shudder. All the same, two minutes later Jose and Laura were licking their fingers with that absorbed inward look that only comes from whipped cream.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ The late afternoon sun shone on women in cotton frocks and little sunburnt, barefoot children. It blazed on a silky yellow flower with coarse leaves which sprawled over a bank of rock. The air ruffling through the window smelled of the sea.

Katherine Mansfield

~ There does seem to me something sad in life. It is hard to say what it is. I don’t mean the sorrow that we all know, like illness and poverty and death. No, it is something different. It is there, deep down, deep down, part of one, like one’s breathing.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ The mind I love most must have wild places, a tangled orchard where dark damsons drop in the heavy grass, an overgrown little wood, the chance of a snake or two, a pool that nobody fathomed the depth of, and paths threaded with flowers planted by the mind.

Katherine Mansfield

~ I adore Life. What do all the fools matter and all the stupidity. They do matter but somehow for me they cannot touch the body of Life. Life is marvellous. I want to be deeply rooted in it – to live – to expand – to breathe in it – to rejoice – to share it. To give and to be asked for Love.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ No, no the mind I love must still have wild places – a tangled orchard where dark damsons drop in the heavy grass, an overgrown litde wood, the chance of a snake or two (real snakes), a pool that nobody’s fathomed the depth of, and paths threaded with those little flowers planted by the wind.

Katherine Mansfield

~ In the shortest sea voyage there is no sense of time. You have been down in the cabin for hours or days or years. Nobody knows or cares. You know all the people to the point of indifference. You do not believe in dry land any more – you are caught in the pendulum itself, and left there, idly swinging.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ What happiness it is to listen to rain at night; joyful relief, ease; a lapping-round and hushing and brooding tenderness, all are mingled together in the sound of the fast-falling rain. God, looking down upon the rainy earth, sees how faint are these lights shining in little windows, how easily put out.

Katherine Mansfield

~ Winter is a terrible time for thin people – terrible! Why should it hound them down, fasten on them, worry them so? Why not, for a change, take a nip, take a snap at the fat ones who wouldn’t notice? But no! It is sleek, warm, cat-like summer that makes the fat one’s life a misery. Winter is all for bones.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ Do you remember your childhood? I am always coming across these marvelous accounts by writers who declare that they remember ‘everything.’ I certainly don’t. The dark stretches, the blanks, are much bigger than the bright glimpses. I seem to have spent most of my time like a plant in a cupboard.

Katherine Mansfield

~ I thought how true it was that the world was a delightful place if it were not for the people, and how more than true it was that people were not worth troubling about, and that wise men should set their affections upon nothing smaller than cities, heavenly or otherwise, and countrysides which are always heavenly.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ What can you do if you are thirty and, turning the corner of your own street, you are overcome, suddenly, by a feeling of bliss – absolute bliss – as though you’d suddenly swallowed a bright piece of that late afternoon sun and it burned in your bosom, sending out a little shower of sparks into every particle into every finger and toe?

Katherine Mansfield

~ Last night I spent in her arms – and tonight I hate her – which being interpreted, means that I adore her; that I cannot lie in my bed and not feel the magic of her body. I feel more powerfully all those so-termed sexual impulses with her than I have with any man. She enthrals, enslaves me – and her personal self – her body absolute – is my worship.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ I love this place; I love mountains and big skies and forests. And the weather is still supremely beautiful even though the lower peaks are powdered with fresh snow. But Heavens! What sun. It never has an ending. I am basking at this minute – half past four – too hot without a hat, and the sky is that transparent blue only to be seen in autumn – the forest trees steeped in light.

Katherine Mansfield

~ I love the evening star. Does that sound foolish? I used to go into the backyard, after sunset, and wait for it until it shone above the dark gum tree. I used to whisper ‘There you are, my darling.’ And just in that first moment it seemed to be shining for me alone. It seemed to understand this. something which is like longing, and yet it is not longing. Or regret – it is more like regret.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ If only one could tell true love from false love as one can tell mushrooms from toadstools. With mushrooms it is so simple – you salt them well, put them aside and have patience. But with love, you have no sooner lighted on anything that bears even the remotest resemblance to it than you are perfectly certain it is not only a genuine specimen, but perhaps the only genuine mushroom ungathered.

Katherine Mansfield

~ By health I mean the power to live a full, adult, living, breathing life in close contact with what I love – the earth and the wonders thereof – the sea – the sun, all that we mean when we speak of the external world. I want to enter into it, to be part of it, to live in it, to learn from it, to lose all that is superficial and acquired in me and to become a conscious, direct human being. I want, by understanding myself, to understand others.

Katherine Mansfield Quotes

~ I think of you often. Especially in the evenings, when I am on the balcony and it’s too dark to write or to do anything but wait for the stars. A time I love. One feels half disembodied, sitting like a shadow at the door of one’s being while the dark tide rises. Then comes the moon, marvellously serene, and small stars, very merry for some reason of their own. It is so easy to forget, in a worldly life, to attend to these miracles.

Katherine Mansfield

Thank You For Reading Katherine Mansfield Quotes In English, Katherine Mansfield Famous Quotes, Famous Quotes by Katherine Mansfield, Katherine Mansfield Thoughts In English.