Let’s Read Famous Pablo Neruda Quotes On Life, Pablo Neruda Quotes On Love, Famous Pablo Neruda Quotes In English, Pablo Neruda Most Famous Quotes, Famous Quotes Of Pablo Neruda In English, Famous Quotes By Pablo Neruda, Pablo Neruda Motivational Quotes, Pablo Neruda Inspirational Quotes, Pablo Neruda Thoughts In English.
Pablo Neruda Quotes On Love, Life -:

~ Love is a clash of lightnings.
~ Luck is the excuse for failures.
~ For my heart, your chest is enough.
~ Laughter is the language of the soul.
~ Love! Love until the night collapses!

~ Love is so short, forgetting is so long.
~ Love is the mystery of water and a star.
~ I loved her, and sometimes she loved me.
~ In one kiss, you’ll know all I haven’t said.
~ I love you as certain dark things are loved.

~ It was my destiny to love and say goodbye.
~ We poets hate hate, and we make war on war.
~ I do not dare, I do not dare to write it if you die.
~ Every day you play with the light of the universe.

~ Thirst for you haunts me during the hungry nights.
~ It was at that age that poetry came in search of me.
~ And the verse falls to the soul like dew to the pasture.
~ Let us forget with generosity those who cannot love us.

~ Sometimes a piece of sun burned like a coin in my hand.
~ Give me your hand out of the depths sown by your sorrows.
~ I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.
~ If you don’t climb the mountain, you’ll never enjoy the view.
~ Give me silence, water, hope Give me struggle, iron, volcanoes.
~ While I’m writing, I’m far away; and when I come back, I’ve gone.

~ To feel the love of people whom we love is a fire that feeds our life.
~ There are wounds that– instead of opening our skin – open our eyes.
~ You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming.
Famous Pablo Neruda Quotes In English -:

~ I love you in this way because I don’t know any other way of loving.
~ If nothing saves us from death, at least love should save us from life.
~ There is a certain pleasure in madness, which only the madman knows.
~ Deny me bread, air, light, spring, but never your laughter for I would die.
~ Your wide eyes are the only light I know from extinguished constellations.
~ Only a burning patience will lead to the attainment of a splendid happiness.

~ Love is born of memory, lives from intelligence and dies from forgetfulness.
~ She – the one who loved me – died in the spring and took the spring to heaven.
~ Well, now, if little by little you stop loving me I shall stop loving you little by little.
~ Take bread away from me, take away water if you wish; but never deny me your smile.
~ I can write the saddest poem of all tonight. I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.
~ At night, beloved, tie your heart to mine, and let them defeat the darkness in their dreams.
~ Shyness is a condition foreign to the heart, a category, a dimension that leads to loneliness.
~ Does the one who always waits suffer more than the one who has never waited for anyone?

~ I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.
~ Happiness is internal, not external; it does not depend on what we have, but on what we are.
~ Give me, for my life, all lives, give me all the pain of everyone, I’m going to turn it into hope.
~ Those who destroy their self-love, those who do not allow themselves to be helped, die slowly.
~ I won’t belong to anyone else, just you. Until my bones turn to ashes and my heart stops beating.
~ Absence is a house so vast that inside you will pass through its walls and hang pictures on the air.
~ From sorrow to, sorrow love crosses its islands and establishes roots that are watered by weeping.
~ There are countries, there are rivers in your eyes, my homeland is in your eyes, I walk through them.
Famous Quotes Of Pablo Neruda In English -:

~ Poetry is an act of peace. Peace goes into the making of a poet as flour goes into the making of bread.
~ So I wait for you like a lonely house till you will see me again and live in me. Til then my windows ache.
~ Love is not about property, diamonds and gifts. It is about sharing your very self with the world around you.
~ Why is it so hard, the sweetness of the heart of the cherry? Is it because it must die or because it must carry on?
~ If you ask me what my poetry is I must tell you I don’t know; but if you ask my poetry, it will tell you who I am.
~ A book, a book full of human touches, of shirts, a book without loneliness, with men and tools, a book is victory.
~ When I got the chance I asked them a slew of questions. They offered to burn me; it was the only thing they knew.
~ Do not do with love what a child does with his balloon; when he has it, he ignores it, and when he loses it, he cries.
~ Love knew then that it was called love. And when I raised my eyes to your name all at once your heart set my path.

~ He who does not travel, who does not read, who does not listen to music, who does not find grace in himself, dies slowly.
~ But I love your feet only because they walked upon the earth and upon the wind and upon the waters, until they found me.
~ And since then, I am because you are. Since then, you are, I am, and we are. And for love, I will be, you will be, we will be.
~ I was born in this town, my poetry was born between the hill and the river, the rain took my voice, and like wood, it soaks into the forest.
~ Only do not forget, if I wake up crying it’s only because in my dream I’m a lost child hunting through the leaves of the night for your hands.

~ Someday, somewhere – anywhere, unfailingly, you’ll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life.
~ How I’d know how to love you, woman – how I’d know how to love you, to love you as no one ever knew how! To die and still love you more.
~ A child who does not play is not a child, but the man who doesn’t play has lost forever the child who lived in him and who he will miss terribly.
~ A bibliophile of little means is likely to suffer often. Books don’t slip from his hands but fly past him through the air, high as birds, high as prices.
~ In this part of the story I am the one who dies, the only one, and I will die of love because I love you, because I love you, Love, in fire and in blood.
~ Only with ardent patience will we conquer the splendid city that will give light, justice and dignity to all men. Thus poetry will not have sung in vain.
Famous Quotes By Pablo Neruda -:

~ We are dust and to dust return. In the end we’re neither air, nor fire, nor water, just dirt, neither more nor less, just dirt, and maybe some yellow flowers.
~ It is now forbidden not to smile in the face of problems, not to fight for what you want, not to give up everything out of fear, not to make your dreams come true.
~ He who does not travel, who does not read, who does not listen to music, who does not find grace in himself, she who does not find grace in herself, dies slowly.
~ Here I came to the very edge where nothing at all needs saying…and every day on the balcony of the sea wings open fire is born and everything is blue again like morning.
~At night I dream that you and I are two plants that grew together, roots entwined, and that you know the earth and the rain like my mouth, since we are made of earth and rain.
~ I can write the saddest lines tonight. To think I don’t have her. To feel I have lost her. To hear the vast night, vaster without her. The words fall on the soul like dew to the grass.
~ Don’t leave me, even for an hour, because then the little drops of anguish will all run together, the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift into me, choking my lost heart.
~ Loving is a journey with water and with stars, with smothered air and abrupt storms of flour: loving is a clash of lightning-bolts and two bodies defeated by a single drop of honey.
~ I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this.
~ I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair. Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets. Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.
~ I love you only because it’s you the one I love; I hate you deeply, and hating you Bend to you, and the measure of my changing love for you Is that I do not see you but love you blindly.
~ Then you realize, it’s not the one who moves you the ground beneath you, but the one who centers you. It’s not the one who steals your heart, but the one who makes you feel as if you have it back.
~ Don’t go far off, not even for a day, because — because — I don’t know how to say it: a day is long and I will be waiting for you, as in an empty station when the trains are parked off somewhere else, asleep.
~ My dog looked at me, with those eyes purer than mine, he wasted time but looked at me, with the look he reserved for me all his sweet, furry life, his silent life, close to me, never bothering me, and never asking me for anything.
~ The books that help you most are those which make you think the most. The hardest way of learning is that of easy reading; but a great book that comes from a great thinker is a ship of thought, deep freighted with truth and beauty.
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