Let’s read Famous Jay Shetty Quotes For Motivation, Jay Shetty quotes in English, Jay Shetty motivational quotes, Jay Shetty thoughts in english, Famous Quotes Of Jay Shetty, Motivational Quotes Of Jay Shetty, Jay Shetty inspirational quotes, Jay Shetty quotes on life, Jay Shetty quotes on love.
Famous Motivatioal Jay Shetty Quotes

~ “Choose people who choose you.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Go the extra mile, it’s never crowded.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Negativity is a trait, not someone’s identity.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Every act is either an act of love or a cry for love.” – Jay Shetty
~ “What you want exists. Don’t settle until you get it.” – Jay Shetty
~ “If you don’t break your ego, life will break it for you.” – Jay Shetty
~ “If we never learn to be alone we will always feel lonely.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Reading changes your mind, applying changes your life!” – Jay Shetty
~ “I wish” is code for “I don’t want to do anything differently.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Success comes from gaining, happiness comes from giving.” – Jay Shetty
~ “It’s so important to fill our own batteries if we want to charge others.” – Jay Shetty
~ “When we find someone in our loneliness, we often attract emptiness.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Don’t let someone be a priority when all you are to them is an option.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Criticizing someone else’s work ethic doesn’t make you work harder.” – Jay Shetty
~ “When you’re brushing, just brush. When you’re showering, just shower.” – Jay Shetty
~ “You can’t do the big things if you are always distracted by the small ones.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Treat yourself with the same love and respect you want to show to others.” – Jay Shetty
~ “It is impossible to build one’s own happiness on the unhappiness of others.” – Jay Shetty
~ “It’s important to figure out who you’re not, in order to figure out who you are.” – Jay Shetty
~ “The arrogant ego desires respect, whereas the humble worker inspires respect.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Think about what you can do right now, not what you wish you had done before.” – Jay Shetty
~ “But when we look for the good in others, we start to see the best in ourselves too.” – Jay Shetty
~ “We force ourselves out of bed to live the same day again and again and call it a life.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Fear comes from a lack of knowledge. Accelerate your learning, eliminate your fear.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Action without intention is meaningless. And intention without action is impact-less.” – Jay Shetty
~ “We are meant to love people and use things but today we use people and love things.” – Jay Shetty
~ “A layperson who is consciously aiming to be continuously alive in the Now is a monk.” – Jay Shetty
Jay Shetty Motivational Quotes

~ “The more we define ourselves in relation to the people around us, the more lost we are.” – Jay Shetty
~ “You only need rehearsals when you’re acting. When you’re living, you can just show up.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Love didn’t hurt you. Someone who doesn’t know to love hurt you. Don’t confuse the two.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Too often we love people who don’t love us, but we fail to return the love of others who do.” – Jay Shetty
~ “When you learn to navigate and manage your breath, you can navigate any situation in life.” – Jay Shetty
~ “I love asking kids what they want to be when they grow up because I’m still looking for ideas.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Swap ‘Why is this happening to me?’ to ‘What is this trying to teach me?’. It will change everything.” – Jay Shetty
~ “We must keep the promises that we make to ourselves so that we can keep those that we make to others.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Insecure people try to make you believe in them. Self-aware people try to make you believe in yourself.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Most people don’t start because they don’t want to be seen starting at the bottom. Don’t be most people.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Revenge is the mode of ignorance—it’s often said that you can’t fix yourself by breaking someone else.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Often the people closest to us get the worst of us. And the people we barely know get the best of us.” – Jay Shetty
~ “We can’t stop our parents from dying, but we use the fear to remind us to spend more time with them.” – Jay Shetty
~ “When you learn a little, you feel you know a lot. But when you learn a lot, you realize you know very little.” – Jay Shetty
~ “No one organ was more important than another; all of them worked in concert, and the body needed them all.” – Jay Shetty
~ “If your past keeps coming back it’s just to test if you’re still stupid enough to fall for it again. Don’t be stupid.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Forget what you looked like 10 years ago. Focus on how much you’ve grown internally in the last 10 years.” – Jay Shetty
Famous Quotes Of Jay Shetty

~ “A relationship without trust is like a car without gas. You can stay in it all you want but it won’t go anywhere.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Instead of “to-do lists” we need “to-be lists”. The question isn’t what do we want to do, it’s who we want to be.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Always tell someone how you feel, because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye, but regret can last a lifetime.” – Jay Shetty
~ “The sooner you get over the notion that you can or should be perfect, or that anyone else is, change will come easier.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Life’s too short to live without purpose, to lose our chance to serve, to let our dreams and aspirations die with us.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Look back to learn lessons. Look ahead to get excited. Look around to be present. Look within to find yourself.” – Jay Shetty
~ “We are all connected; to each other, biologically. To the Earth, chemically. And to the rest of the universe, atomically.” – Jay Shetty
~ “You’ve been criticizing yourself for years now and that hasn’t worked. Try coaching yourself and see what happens.” – Jay Shetty
~ “If you every meet someone who makes your life flow easier and makes you laugh a lot, keep them, that’s all you need.” – Jay Shetty
~ “When you are not sure, flip a coin because while the coin is in the air, you realize which one you are actually hoping for.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Salt is so humble that when something goes wrong, it takes the blame, and when everything goes right, it doesn’t take credit.” – Jay Shetty
~ “You are still young and you aren’t supposed to have your whole life figured out yet. Don’t stress. Everything will work out.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Real friends tell you when you aren’t living up to your potential. They don’t let you sit and be mediocre and think you are lit.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Everything will happen for you all of a sudden and you will be thankful you didn’t give up. Blessings are coming. Believe that.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Actually, the greatest detachment is being close to everything and not letting it consume and own you. That’s a real strength.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Being positive doesn’t mean you don’t ever have negative thoughts. It just means you don’t let those thoughts control your life.” – Jay Shetty
Motivational Quotes Of Jay Shetty

~ “Too many of us set these lofty goals but never break them down into the building blocks of how we are actually going to get there.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Every night when I’m falling asleep, I say to myself, “I am relaxed, energized, and focused. I am calm, enthusiastic, and productive.” – Jay Shetty
~ “I believe you should focus your life on observing the little things because one day you look back and realize they were the big things.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Don’t be afraid of new beginnings, from new people, new energy, new surroundings, new challenges. Embrace new chances at happiness.” – Jay Shetty
~ “am happy about who I am becoming. I am open to all opportunities and possibilities. I am worthy of real love. I am ready to serve with all I have.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Higher values propel and elevate us toward happiness, fulfillment, and meaning. Lower values demote us toward anxiety, depression, and suffering.” – Jay Shetty
~ “When we accept the temporary nature of everything in our lives, we can feel gratitude for the good fortune of getting to borrow them for a time.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Stop trying to find the right person; be the right person. Instead of being with someone who makes you happy, first be someone who makes you happy.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Second, a bad grade in school doesn’t mean you get to ditch the subject altogether. We have to be careful not to confuse inexperience with weakness.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Remember, saying whatever we want, whenever we want, however, we want, is not freedom. Real freedom is not feeling the need to say these things.” – Jay Shetty
~ “One of the biggest reasons we don’t achieve our goals is we say yes to too many things that are not our priority and no to too many things that are our priority.” – Jay Shetty
~ “I offer praise unto the all-pervading divinity present within every heart; who is the embodiment of beauty, intelligence, strength, wealth, fame, and detachment.” – Jay Shetty
~ “wish I’d expressed my love to the people I care about. I wish I hadn’t worked so much. I wish I’d taken more pleasure in life. I wish I’d done more for other people.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Our words have more power than we even believe. Our words define our reality. We need to pick them carefully. Make sure you taste your words before you spit them out.” – Jay Shetty
~ “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.” – Jay Shetty
~ “We think that if we’re successful in public, we will be happy in private. But it’s actually the other way around. When you’re happy in private, you will be successful in public.” – Jay Shetty
Jay Shetty Inspirational Quotes
~ “I realized I had to take responsibility for my life. My parents might be upset, they might not—I had no control over that. I could only make decisions based on my own values.” – Jay Shetty
~ “No matter how much we grow, we are never free of daily chores and routines, but to be enlightened is to embrace them. The outside may look the same, but inside you are transformed.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Location has energy; time has memory. If you do something at the same time every day, it becomes easier and natural. If you do something in the same space every day, it becomes easier and natural.” – Jay Shetty
~ “use an anti-anxiety technique called 5-4-3-2-1. We are going to find five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.” – Jay Shetty
~ “When you try to live your most authentic life, some of your relationships will be put in jeopardy. Losing them is a risk worth bearing; finding a way to keep them in your life is a challenge worth taking on.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Growth isn’t always consistent. You relapse, you fall, but remember that doesn’t mean you’re back at square one. You don’t lose the growth you had before the relapse. Take your time, continue where you left off.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Self-care isn’t just holidays and massages. It’s working on your habits, mindset and healing your past. It’s removing toxic thoughts, people and places in your life. It’s living intentionally, purposefully and consciously.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Judgment creates an illusion: that if you see well enough to judge, then you must be better, that if someone else is failing, then you must be moving forward. In fact, it is careful, thoughtful observations that move us forward.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Find me someone who has gone to the darkest parts of their own character where they were so close to their own self-destruction and found a way to get up and out of it, and I will bow on my knees to you. … You’re my teacher.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Monks understand that routine frees your mind, but the biggest threat to that freedom is monotony. People complain about their poor memories, but I’ve heard it said that we don’t have a retention problem, we have an attention problem.” – Jay Shetty
~ “When nobody else celebrates you, learn to celebrate yourself. When nobody else compliments you, then compliment yourself. It’s not up to other people to keep you encouraged. It’s up to you. Encouragement should come from the inside.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Because the only thing that stays with you from the moment you’re born until the moment you die is your breath. All your friends, your family, the country you live in, all of that can change. The one thing that stays with you is your breath.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Revenge is the mode of ignorance—it’s often said that you can’t fix yourself by breaking someone else. Monks don’t hinge their choices and feelings on others’ behaviors. You believe revenge will make you feel better because of how the other person will react.” – Jay Shetty
Jay Shetty Thoughts In English
~ “First, we become aware of a feeling or issue—we spot it. Then we pause to address what the feeling is and where it comes from—we stop to consider it. And last, we amend our behavior—we swap in a new way of processing the moment. SPOT, STOP, SWAP.” – Jay Shetty
~ “When we allow ourselves to have immersive experiences—through meditation, focused periods of work, painting, doing a crossword puzzle, weeding a garden, and many other forms of contemplative single-tasking—we’re not only more productive, we actually feel better.” – Jay Shetty
~ “We will keep facing the same test until we learn the lesson we are meant to learn. The same situations, relationships, issues will keep arising in our lives until we recognize what we are supposed to take away. We can save ourselves from so much trouble if we choose to listen, observe and adapt.” – Jay Shetty
~ “People complain about their poor memories, but I’ve heard it said that we don’t have a retention problem, we have an attention problem. By searching for the new, you are reminding your brain to pay attention and rewiring it to recognize that there’s something to learn in everything. Life isn’t as certain as we assume.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Mudita is the principle of taking sympathetic or unselfish joy in the good fortune of others. If I only find joy in my own successes, I’m limiting my joy. But if I can take pleasure in the successes of my friends and family—ten, twenty, fifty people!—I get to experience fifty times the happiness and joy. Who doesn’t want that?” – Jay Shetty
~ “It’s a mistake to think that when we read a book, attend a class, and implement changes that we’ll fix everything. The externals will never be perfect, and the goal isn’t perfection. Life is not going to go your way. You have to go your way and take life with you. Understanding this will help you be prepared for whatever may come.” – Jay Shetty
~ “We can’t sit around with true intentions expecting that what we want will fall into our laps. Nor can we expect someone to find us, discover how amazing we are, and hand us our place in the world. Nobody is going to create our lives for us. Martin Luther King Jr., said, “Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.” – Jay Shetty
~ “We’re willing to be present at certain times—during a favorite show or a yoga class, or even during the mundane task we’ve chosen to elevate—but we still want to be distracted when we choose to be distracted. We spend time at work dreaming about going on a beach vacation, but then, on the beach, long-awaited drink in hand, we’re annoyed to find that we can’t stop thinking about work.” – Jay Shetty
~ “According to the Gita, these are the higher values and qualities: fearlessness, purity of mind, gratitude, service and charity, acceptance, performing sacrifice, deep study, austerity, straightforwardness, nonviolence, truthfulness, absence of anger, renunciation, perspective, restraint from fault finding, compassion toward all living beings, satisfaction, gentleness/kindness, integrity, determination.” – Jay Shetty
~ “As researchers Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool underscore in their book Peak, mastery requires deliberate practice and lots of it. But if you love it, you do it. Picasso experimented with other forms of art but kept painting as his focus. Michael Jordan did a stint at baseball, but basketball was where he really thrived. Play hardest in your area of strength and you’ll achieve depth, meaning, and satisfaction in your life.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Here’s the life hack: Service is always the answer. It fixes a bad day. It tempers the burdens we bear. Service helps other people and helps us. We don’t expect anything in return, but what we get is the joy of service. It’s an exchange of love. When you’re living in service, you don’t have time to complain and criticize. When you’re living in service, your fears go away. When you’re living in service, you feel grateful. Your material attachments diminish.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Negativity is a trait, not someone’s identity. A person’s true nature can be obscured by clouds, but, like the sun, it is always there. And clouds can overcome any of us. We have to understand this when we deal with people who exude negative energy. Just like we wouldn’t want someone to judge us by our worst moments, we must be careful not to do that to others. When someone hurts you, it’s because they’re hurt. Their hurt is simply spilling over. They need help. And as the Dalai Lama says, “If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.” – Jay Shetty
~ “Make a list of five people you care about, but also feel competitive with. Come up with at least one reason that you’re envious of each one: something they’ve achieved, something they’re better at, something that’s gone well for them. Did that achievement actually take anything away from you? Now think about how it benefitted your friend. Visualize everything good that has come to them from this achievement. Would you want to take any of these things away if you could, even knowing that they would not come to you? If so, this envy is robbing you of joy. Envy is more destructive to you than whatever your friend has accomplished. Spend your energy transforming it.” – Jay Shetty
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